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Mark's 355 Days in Space

NASA Astronaut Mark T. Vande Hei's 355 days in Space

Hey Explorers,

On March 30, 2022 NASA Astronaut Mark T. Vande Hei returned back on earth after record breaking stay in space (by an American).

Mark returned with two Russian cosmonauts; Pyotr Dubrov & Anton Shkaplerov in a Soyuz Spacecraft.

Mark contributed to several domains of STEM while being 408km away from Earth's surface on the International Space Station.

Lets look into Mark's journey as an Astronaut until now.
  •  A total of 523 days 08 hrs & 59 minutes of time in space.
  • A US Army Colonel, turned NASA Astronaut.
  • Mark is a NASA 2009 Group 20 astronaut call candidate.
  • He has successfully performed 4 EVAs (Extravehicular Activity) or space walk for a total collective time of 26 hours & 42 minutes.
Mark during a EVA
  • Space Missions - Expedition 53/54 & 64/65/66.

Mark with different Space Expedition Astronauts & Cosmonauts 
  • Mark holds Bachelors in Science with a major in physics & Masters in Science in Applied Physics from Stanford University.
  • Mark's last space mission was extended along with cosmonaut Pyotr Duubrov for a period of 6 months.
  • Mark was also a part of Space Olympics, quite fun on ISS up there :)
Mark & NASA astronaut Kayla Barron
  • Mark surpass NASA astronaut Scott Kelly's record on 340th day.
  • Mark broke the record for the longest spaceflight by a NASA astronaut by 15 days.
  • Mark's record is of 355 continuous days stay in Space
  • Mark assisted the production of the first movie filmed on ISS & in space from May 14, 2021 to October 17, 2021.
  • During this record breaking spaceflight Mark completed 5,680 orbits of the Earth, that a journey of more than 150 million miles, roughly equivalent to 312 trips to Moon and back.
  • Mark contributed to several studies of various domains in STEM.
  • Mark performed dozens of studies and experiments including investigations supported by NASA's Human Research Program specially for the Artemis program.

Various STEM experiments & studies

Mark's journey as an astronaut has been phenomenal so-far, Humanity needs people like Mark who has dedicated his whole life to contribute to STEM.

Mark return to Earth with two cosmonauts is also an example of peacefulness while ongoing international tensions.

"Mark's mission is not only record-breaking, but also paving the way for the future human explorers on the Moon, Mars, and beyond. Astronauts make incredible sacrifices in the name of science, exploration, and cutting edge technology development, not least among them time away from loved ones. NASA and the nation are proud to welcome Mark home and grateful for his incredible contributions throughout his year-long stay on the International Space Station". - NASA administrator Bill Nelson.

Mark has done his job incredibly well, & mine is to share my knowledge about his journey & several other amazing things with you guys,

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Thanks | Gratitude 


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